Monday, July 16, 2007

Let the Musings Begin

Sacramento International Airport -

Has a really shallow ceiling and really shaky, vibrating floors. But is relatively empty in the B Terminal I now find myself in for the first time. So this is where the "other" travelers go when they aren't flying super convenient Southwest Airlines. I'm not flying back to San Diego. For the first time in three years. I can see the plane that will take me to Denver, and then to Philadelphia - the HOLIDAY INN. I hope I have all the right paper work (I don't have a WHO card, but I do have some janky Kaiser print outs with some weird acronyms I hope spell out "don't give her any more shots - she has them all already", but I don't assume to be so lucky.

I have packed: photos, Big Orange, digital camera, trail mix, Jolly Ranchers, laptop, magazines, books, journals, chapstick, two cell phones, mp3 player, gum, chargers and usb cords and random electronica out the ears; but I wish I had some eggs and bacon and coffee. I wonder if I'd have to put those in a one-quart bag as well. I'd like to put the lady in the spiky hair with the nervous twitchy cough and the fat roly-poly kid with the inhumane capacity to whistle for hours without taking a breath in a quart sized bag with a zip top.

I think we did well with our goodbyes. A little cry - otherwise it's not official. Some hugging, some words of encouragement and then a dramatic turn on the heels and up the escalator of "goodbye". Then I immediately called them on my cell phone. Yes, all you who might be reading this searching for "how did she prepare for the peace corps", I asked Verizon to keep my phone line for a few more days and just pro-rate it, but opted to not keep the voicemail on a family share plan for an extra $9.99 a month. A good idea for those of you who are lucky enough to already be on the plan and have someone pay an extra $300 for you to keep your number. Not exactly cash-conscious for those of us who might not even be living in the same area code when we return. Your call. Literally. Ha Ha.

Denver Airport -

I waited on the stupid plane for another stupid plane to leave the stupid gate. This is a test of my ability to handle stress and lack of air conditioning in close quarters with women to wear too much perfume and men with throat clearing problems. I passed and made it to my connecting flight exactly on time. What's more - so did my LUGGAGE! I'm out of Denver as quickly as I realized I was in it. Oh yea, and lots and lots of fields and no Taco Bell. Still no eggs and bacon.

Plane over somewhere in the middle of the U.S. -

I got kicked out of the toilet after waiting in line because the seatbelt sign was on. Dude literally held the door open so I couldn't shut it once I was inside. Apparently there is some $1,200 fine from the FAA if you don't comply so, whatever, I guess a new pair of pants should I wet mine is cheaper. But the price on my self-esteem? I guess I would still come out ahead if I just sat down. Evidently there is a place called "Sesame Place" somewhere and you can't see the Link from the plane. Oh, and B-Dawk is not going to be waiting around for you to come meet him when you get off the plane... FOR SHAME PHILLY!

Philadelphia Airport -

MAN there are a LOT of people going to Africa for the Peace Corps. Well, approximately 10 that I met today alone. Some went to the Sheraton for South Africa, some went with us to the Holla Inn for Mali and Benin. There were just too many of us for one hotel I guess. I've already made a few acquaintances and got screwed out of $9. I shamelessly plugged my upcoming "Macaroni every day of the year" book and had an awkward conversation with many people. Let me give you some samples:

Girl going to Benin to vanpool riders: Did anyone pack close toed shoes?
Me: I packed running shoes
Girl: Oh, do you run?
Me: *scoff* Ugh.. can't you tell? I'm hot? And besides, why would I say running shoes if I were bringing them for something else. 'No, I wanted to go scuba diving' or 'actually they're so I can parachute out of the plane without hurting myself'. Geez.
Girl: .............. I have close toed, but they're actually sandals.

Dude waiting at the hotel desk: That's a lot of luggage
Me: Yea, well, two years of my life in here, buddy
Dude: Oh yea, well in that case.
Me: Yea, AND I'm a girl!
Dude: Impressive, yea, I see your point me.
Me: I mean, just this part alone (signaling 1/3 of the big grey bag) is for tampons.
Dude: oh, okay, that's gross.
Me: And this other part is full of batteries. You know, for company. You know.
Dude: Way too much information.
Me: I was talking about my walkman, you sick pervert.
Hotel Desk Clerk: Girl, you funny.
Surrounding Audience: She sure is amazing. Boy, the U.S. is going to miss that humor.

And they sort of all go like that. Only with more laughter and emphasis on how funny I am. Anyway, meeting Gen at the L-TRAIN. Then to philly CHEESESTEAKS AND BEERS.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I kinda feel like I am stalking you since I haven't actually seen you in like 4 years, but I am really excited to read about your adventures in Africa! Have a safe flight!!
