Saturday, October 18, 2008


I just finished my middle-service medical exam where I am tested, inside and out, to ascertain my health status.

Turns out I have a certain type of parasite that requires no treatment as my body should be able to rid itself of it. Funny, though, that's what they said the last time they found that certain parasite in my .. excess.. back in March. Is it not possible that I have had this same "body capable" parasite in me since then, as they did not deem it necessary to treat it at that time? One can't help but wonder. Apart from a few heat rashes and an eye twitch I seem to be all in working order - yay me! That's not to say that I am a model volunteer when it comes to health concerns.

In fact, I was chastised for my lack of following Peace Corps policy. I don't boil my water *gasp* and I don't sleep with my mosquito net; despite the presence of creepy-crawlies. Living on the edge has never been more thrilling. I am very pleased, however, that the doctors here are so concerned with my health.

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